E+ L.o.L. C2 / DAY 5
Erasmusdays were specially celebrated on the 13th and the 14th of November since E+ L.o.L. parners were visiting the French High School. After we did cook and dance together in Kwidzyn (C1 Study Travel) it was time for us to draw then to sing together!
The C2 song was named "Ixil, Ixilik dago" and was the acme of the FAREWELL workshop implemented at the school library the 14 th.
See more below: about FAREWELL WORKSHOP / C2.16 ACTIVITY
This exhibition was prepared by French Students before the mobility, in order to make a bridge between the actual partnership (Land of Legends) and the former project ERASMUSPLUSANIMALS (dedicated to relationship between human beings and animals) wich was just awarded by the EU, reason why the teams redo the boat tour to explore ocean and see dolphins (we had already made in september, 2018) and took part to a little ceremony at LE SELECT cinema to disseminate the 2022 EITA prize after a projection of the film "THE ARK".
La célébration des ERASMUSDAYS passait cete année par l'exécution de dessins et de chants en commun : l'hymne de l'échange C2 fut scandé avec ardeur le 14 lors du dernier atelier de travail (FAREWELL) tenu au CDI. Cette session permit aussi le vernissage officiel de l'exposition implantée depuis le début de la semaine et pensée pour établir un lien entre les préoccupations du partenariat E+A (Noah) récemment récompensé par le prix du projet européen le plus innovant et celles de "Terre de Légendes". Le slogan "capitaine sensible" était par ailleurs l'un des hashtags choisi lors de la participation du Lycée Ravel à la session EUROSCOLA en ligne du 26 novembre 2021.