School exchanges and accredited mobilities (ERAMUS+ Key Action 1)

 Mobilités co-financées par lre PROGRAMME ERASMUS+ (action- clé 1)


LECTURE SUR UN TÉLÉPHONE: dézoomez votre navivateur (à 50%)  et orientez l'écran dans le sens paysage / READING ON A SMARTPHONE: Zoom out your browser and rotate the screen to landscape





1. Fight for freedom and struggle against oppression : HIstory, Memory, Civics, Philosophy, Latin

2. Resilience to manage the risks and to confront the crises  (mainly the climate change's impacts) : Geography, Civics, Ethic, Spanish


ACMÉ IN LegendE+ = ERASMUS+ KA1 mobilities concerning students at Ravel high school


[project planning and results' overview] RESULTS: SAMPLES IN THE "OUTPUTS" SECTION

ICI / FROM HERE sous-partie / subtittle >ACMÉ MOBILITIES (to be open in May 2025)

Un projet co-piloté par le Lycée Ravel et l'association "Ligue ILARGIA", d'abord pour implanter des activités en distanciel puis pour y ajouter des échanges interscolaires, sous l'impulsion de MM Vanderplancke et Puyjalon, ainsi que MMe Augé, M Pacholczyk...

from  2025: coordination by "the ILARGIA League of european teachers" >> DETAILS ON THE "ILARGIA" WEBSITE (external link to be open asap)





FGC ForGreenCItizens mobilities / from  2022 (coordination by Ms Petoin) .........................................................................................

FGC in LegendE+ website: THE GREEN SHOWCASE / school exchanges for a sustainable development supported by ERASMUS+ KA1 mobilities

VERS NBE+ [project planning and results' overview] RESULTS: SAMPLES IN THE "OUTPUTS" SECTION



 FGC : une action entamée en 2022-2023, et reconduite en 2023-2024 (sous le nom : "Green across Borders") avant de devenir, en 2024-2025, FGC III "Freyja Mari: Imagine a sustainable future"

For Green Citizens est piloté en France par Mmes Fabisch et Petoin (school coordinator). C'est un programme de mobilités pluri-annuel et décliné en plusieurs phases successives, destinées à pérenniser les relations entre le Lycée Ravel et son homologue en Norvège et à éduquer au Développement Durable tout en permettant d'améliorer les compétences linguistiques et socio-cognitives des apprenants (ForGreenCitizen I à partir de 2022 puis FGC II / Green across borders jusqu'en 2024, enfin FGC III au delà).

Some Mobility Projects between Norwegian and French students
Two high schools :  in Farsund (Norway) and Saint Jean de Luz
SOME OUTPUTS ARE EDITED IN THE NBE+ WEBSITE HELD BY EUROPEAN TEAM IN Lycée Ravel / Quelques exemples de productions sont disponibles dans NBE+
 NorBas  IMG 5240
Click on the Flag to access to NBE+ coordination website (NOTRE BUREAU EUROPÉEN): in order to see the FGC mobility project's background  and/or to find a link to eTwinning connected with
FGC III.... coming soon
as part of the ERASMUS MOB 2024 implemented (for the 5th consecutive year) at the Lycée Ravel / and in parallel with the JOLI MONTH OF EUROPE propaganda event. This was an opportunity for the students of the EUROPEAN ENGLISH SECTION to organize a small animation workshop in order to publicize the partnership with the Eilert Sundt high school in Norway!

Quelques images de l'atelier ludique

ForGreenCitizen du 27 mai:

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the goal in several words:
was to make known by the community
how this project mobiliity may enrich
the Participants  and does help to open spirits
at the same time it is a boost for
enhancing linguistic skills and to

educate to Sustainability


FGC II / GREEN ACROSS BORDERS / a new mobility project was carried out from 2023 to 2024
Third step of the FGC project : Norwegian students in France (October 2023) then French students in Norway (March 2024) 
A few informations about the mobilities to Norway (2024) OR to France (2023) clicking on the "FGC French Posts" tab

The end of the FGC implementation in 2022-2023: a training session in Canarias

Second step of the FGC project : French students in Norway (March 2023) then Norwegian students in France (May 2023)


click on the pic to access to day-by-day reports / last day page: then push the button "ARTICLE PLUS ANCIEN"  in the NBE+ blogspot if you wish to see the former posts (reporting "in live" edited in may


 TO SEE MORE PICS OF THIS MEETING AND AN ABSTRACT (IN FRENCH): CLICKING ON THE PANORAMA BELOW / from Suhalmendy mountain ( a trek inserted in the event named ERASMUS MOB implemented to promote the ERASMUS+ programme at Lycée Ravel from the 9th to the 17th of may, 2023)


ForGreenCitizen - Preparatory visit by French staff (November, 2022)
REPORT ^^ON LINE^^ IN NBE+ (lycée RAVEL tab)

First step of the project : Norwegian students visit Saint Jean de Luz (June 2022)
From June 13th to 18th, Norwegian students discovered some topics in the Basque Country
through different activities :
Hiking the little mountain Suhalmendi to have a look at a sustainable pig farming
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Paddling in the bay, a way to see the organisation of this coastal city, understanding the important
role of the dikes and the risk of rising sea level
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Being informed about the Coastal Risk by the « CPIE d’Hendaye »
Visiting the Botanical Garden of Saint Jean de Luz, « the better you know biodiversity, the better
you protect it »
Walking in the city center to discover historical buildings and learn about the history of the city
All students worked in workshops to sum up what they learnt during the week. And then they
presented their work orally.
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The last day was devoted to the organisation of the dinner, a very friendly picnic with parents,
teachers and students. The students had to buy local food and limit waste at dinner, staying within
a given budget. Our Norwegian guests brought culinary specialties from home, such as traditional
cheese and traditional cinnamon dessert. The French hosts cooked different cakes.
Solidarity was an important aspect of this trip : students and teachers did their best to always
include a Norwegian student in a wheelchair in the different activities. It was a great experience for
all of us.
Everybody enjoyed meeting a different culture, sharing their different way of life, and finally finding

that we also have points in common. 

FGC reports by the French  KA1 "FGC" project coordinator (Lycée Ravel): Ms Prof L Petoin

LegendE+ est le site de médiatisation des projets de mobilité (KA1) et des coopérations transnationales (KA2) conduits par le Lycée Maurice Ravel dans la période 2021-2027 et co-financés par le programme ERASMUS+ / LegendE+ is a website designed for dissemination of  all the Erasmus+ mobilities projects and cooperative partnerships implemented from 2021 to 2027 / mise en page et édition par l'ERAEI @2022/06 VANDERPLANCKE P-L